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Enemy at the Gates, Bless the Child - both garbage

You know, there are a lot of bad movies out there . . but only a few that are so bad that they make me angry - angry enough to start cursing at my TV.

Enemy at the Gates and Bless the Child did this to me. Enemy at the Gates, just because the acting was so bad and the actions of the characters were so illogical; and Bless the Child for lacking even a suggestion of a creative or clever thought.

I have a feeling that Bless the Child was written by a room full of very stupid monkeys chained to typewriters ("Ok, ok . settle down . . your assignment tonight is 'modern day jesus child overcomes badness with goodness' . . and don't get fancy, we want to market this to the sunday school crowd . . the first one to deliver 5,000 words gets an extra banana . . go!"). Sorry for the rant, but I just finished watching this 5 minutes ago and it was so bad that I feel like somebody just stole my wallet. Save your money on this one, folks.

Other random bad movies I've seen recently:

The Mummy Returns (but I was expecting this to be bad, so I had fun watching it)

The Mexican (actually turned this off halfway through - I find Julia Roberts to be a painful experience)

Dude, where's my car (yeah, but I didn't expect it to be THAT bad, he he)

Oh, and the ultimate bad movie - the movie that is so bad that other bad movies must prostrate themselves before its glory of ultimate badness . . The Avengers! Wow. Not much you can say about that one . . . it's just so . . amazingly horrible. And yet somehow it transcends other bad movies in that it is so incredibly bad, that you can't even enjoy it as a bad movie.

That said, some really GOOD movies I've seen lately (that manage to feed my faith that there are good filmmakers out there) - all highly recommended:

American Movie (fantastic documentary about some poor schmuck in Wisconsin trying to fulfil his dream of making a horror movie - highly recommended)

The Warriors (love this one - did you know it's based on an ancient greek tragedy from 4th century BC?)

Bob Roberts

The General (IRA thief)

Das Boot

Memento (truly brilliant, I thought - they manage to force the audience to experience exactly what the heroine was experiencing)

Strange Days (cheeseball science fiction - but it's got that whole brainstorm theme going and was fun)

Free Enterprise (william shatner, oh yeah)

American Psycho

Cop Land

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