I can be watching a 90 minutes action flick, and there will be one 10 second steamy sex scene - and sure enough she will enter the room at that moment, and declare me a pervert. "Why are you always watching that porn?" she asks me... and I have no good answer. I mumble this and that, but she is never convinced. She shakes her head and leaves...
Who would suggest a good answer for this situation? I need it bad... I am watching Borgia tonight!
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Topic - My wife has talent - Victor Khomenko 19:15:12 01/30/12 (15)
- It would probably help - Daryl Zero 21:31:39 02/01/12 (0)
- RE: My wife has talent - Revolver66 03:56:03 02/01/12 (0)
- So how did you get two hours of "A Room In Rome" past her? * - mr grits 18:45:04 01/31/12 (2)
- One of my few success stories... - Victor Khomenko 05:35:40 02/01/12 (1)
- "Honey, I'll be downstairs reloading for a few hours." That ought to do it. * - mr grits 12:44:46 02/01/12 (0)
- Tell her those scenes are boring.... after all, you're married to her! Now, to make up for it, get - tinear 08:46:04 01/31/12 (3)
- I usually have a cook book on a ready. - Victor Khomenko 10:52:54 01/31/12 (2)
- "Girlie?" No. Absolutely not. Miss J is a very tough film. She's fierce. nt - tinear 17:00:04 01/31/12 (0)
- That's pathetic. nt - oldmkvi 13:35:16 01/31/12 (0)
- I'll never forget the night Mrs. Nasty decided to watch an episode of Boredwalk Empire - Road Warrior 07:47:56 01/31/12 (1)
- How quickly women forget their honeymoons........ * - mr grits 08:13:28 01/31/12 (0)
- You just say: " You should have seen what was on... - ArdRi 19:28:21 01/30/12 (3)
- Keep one hand on the remote during those scenes. - geoff 05:22:24 01/31/12 (2)
- Well, last night... - Victor Khomenko 07:24:17 01/31/12 (1)
- Maybe you should try watching something you both would like. You - oldmkvi 07:43:59 01/31/12 (0)