In Reply to: MAD MEN WTF? Was Don Draper dreaming at the end of last nights episode? posted by PhilJ on April 9, 2012 at 11:45:55:
The show was OK for the first season, became boring from there, and now is ho-hum. I can watch it... I can turn it off... I really don't care. I just realized I missed it last night - if you didn't remind me I would not have noticed.
It is the same, always the same, scenes with Dan and the rest doing the same stuff over and over again... no development, no drama, no nothing... just cold last week's grits.
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Follow Ups
- "Anyone else still watching?" Well, kinda... I also take out garbage - Victor Khomenko 15:38:35 04/09/12 (9)
- "I also take out garbage" that says it all! too bad it has lost it's appeal/edge - PhilJ 16:29:24 04/09/12 (2)
- Well, you can only drink so much whiskey, fill up so many ash trays . . . - mr grits 21:14:15 04/09/12 (0)
- They desperately need a "hook" ths season. Offing Andrea(?) would have been it - Road Warrior 19:31:15 04/09/12 (0)
- Draper has to be one of the most boring leads ever . . . - mr grits 16:10:56 04/09/12 (5)
- Sociopaths are boring? nt - tinear 16:50:52 04/09/12 (2)
- zzzz * - mr grits 21:14:41 04/09/12 (1)
- &^%)$@U! nt - tinear 07:56:30 04/10/12 (0)
- kinda what I was referring to with his 'episode' last night (psycho killer) - PhilJ 16:23:04 04/09/12 (1)
- Don't have cable...haven't seen new season..... - mr grits 21:10:55 04/09/12 (0)