In Reply to: I was quite amused by this version.....I hated the original...... posted by mr grits on May 4, 2012 at 14:04:53:
I don't know about you, but I am tired of that dull cliche of a plot - a babe comes to a drunk and over-the-hill PI, cop, marshal, just strong guy, and asks him to find, pursue, kill, some bad guy... he refuses at first... only to later join forces with her.
Dumb and overdone, and only works when the babe is real looker, in very short skirt, so you feel a bit jealous of the old no good for nothing anymore guy. Some steamy sex scenes provide the much needed third leg.
That plot is OK for a modern trash action flick, but definitely not a film with serious aspirations.
There are a couple of Korean actresses that would do credible job in such a movie... but you already know that.
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Follow Ups
- Beating the dead horse that keeps running - Victor Khomenko 15:06:44 05/04/12 (5)
- It is an unfair knock to attack a Western plot: there only are six of them, period. How well does it tell - tinear 07:38:40 05/12/12 (0)
- Hmm, seems like we are talking about 'Safe' as well.... - mr grits 16:54:12 05/04/12 (3)
- But was the language used in Safe as interesting as that used in True Grit?... - musetap 20:48:22 05/04/12 (2)
- Not comparing the actual movies just the imprint of the plots . . . - mr grits 09:15:13 05/05/12 (1)
- Gothcha.... - musetap 11:44:57 05/05/12 (0)