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Saw it AGAIN yesterday in IMAX 3D...If I may fill in some holes... (Spoilers)

...Shaw running amok was that survival instinct that we keep on seeing in Alien films - keeps them (and us) going. Being 3 months pregnant after 10 hours is enough to motivate haste, methinks?

The Captain said that the (science) ship was weapon less. Makes for a spectacular (and heroic) last ditch sacrificial effort against all odds by the stalwart crew. The ship they were ramming was made of silicon, way tougher than nails, but apparently its drive (?) not immune to the effects of ion plasma engines ignited within that atmosphere.

Prometheus was a trillion dollar vessel whose MAIN (secret) passenger senior Weyland (Weyland Industries) was convinced that he could entreat the creators to save him from death. (Death/transmutation, in all its forms and for differing reasons, is a major theme here.) Carrying weapons to "god" wouldn't seem very gracious or humble, would it? Weyland had nothing to lose, as he was dying anyway, so he builds a ship to serve HIS interests, not Captain Kirk's.

AAh David, the synthetic "son" of senior Weyland and artificial brother of Weyland's biological Daughter (Theron, something odd there too?). He/it is a puzzle, not unlike HAL with conflicting directives/programs motivating his/its fully realized actions. Funny how the "creators" also seem to have mixed feeling about humanity and its offspring as well?

That brings us to one such program David is operating from (drink to Shaw's boy) which is one we're so familiar with: "infecting one of the crew, so to capture a sample (of this ultra bio-technology/(weaponry) and bring it back to Earth". Funny, that's exactly the creator's agenda as well. See how this is all starting to fit?

Just like Ripley says 33 years later, taking sides becomes tricky when there is hardly a difference between one's "enemy" and oneself! Humans retaining Faith (for Shaw, her cross), or the artificial machinations of a greedy Capitalist/Empire and those faithless who are cast from the Garden of Eden for their taste of fruit. All are being spun by the conundrums they create.

Galactic ethics and religion, like physics, are constant, not dumbed down, but REFRESHINGLY told as a myth upon mythological and historic foundations that ARE who WE'VE become as a species/culture - foretold by griot film meisters like visionary histrionic R. Scott.

Really, can WE do no wrong???

BTW- couldn't help but think I was watching Cher throughout. Noomi really has the same facial bone structure. Lovely brown eyes... its late...

(Note: IMAX 3D is best seen from the center so that the screen fills your vision field. I had a more distant seat this last time and the effect was less intense.)

Edits: 06/13/12 06/13/12 06/14/12

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  • Saw it AGAIN yesterday in IMAX 3D...If I may fill in some holes... (Spoilers) - mpathus 23:51:47 06/13/12 (0)


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