In Reply to: I don't mean to be a snob, but does anyone here think TV mini-series are up to posted by tinear on August 21, 2012 at 18:39:41:
So, I don't waste time jacking off over this sort of fake distinction.
No time wasted yanking my dick over best film standards, editing, cinematography, writing, acting, or giving a shit if something is made for TV or the cineplex.
"Myself, everyday could be the last so I want to watch the very best humankind has produced."
Congrats, so please go troll where the very best humans hang out and leave the rest of us alone, then.
Maybe live your life as though any troll may be your last.
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Follow Ups
- Myself, everyday could be the last... - Enophile 11:59:20 08/22/12 (1)
- Thanks man, I needed a good chuckle. * - Tony D. 22:06:47 08/22/12 (0)