Much talk lately about Netflix and binge viewing it supports, looks like it is the phenomenon that will eclipse even the texting, Facebook and the rest.
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Topic - Are you prone to binge viewing? - Victor Khomenko 13:34:50 02/11/13 (15)
- Only with "24" - bassbinotoko 19:06:34 02/17/13 (1)
- Have you made it or thru the "President Logan" season yet? - Road Warrior 19:57:02 02/22/13 (0)
- Reviewing Downton. Say, this past Sunday was strange: a two-hour episode out-of-the-blue? - tinear 07:48:23 02/12/13 (4)
- "Say, this past Sunday was strange" Yep... and boring as hell - Victor Khomenko 07:56:36 02/12/13 (3)
- Hold it, buster, that cricket match was edge of the chair stuff. - mr grits 16:58:15 02/12/13 (2)
- Me... I am waiting for the sperm count number... - Victor Khomenko 17:04:31 02/12/13 (1)
- Doesn't everybody have a war wound? Give him some slack . . . - mr grits 17:56:14 02/12/13 (0)
- We just binged on Netflix's "House of Cards" - geoff 02:05:02 02/12/13 (1)
- RE: We just binged on Netflix's "House of Cards" - Demo 15:13:27 02/13/13 (0)
- Yup, we've become so distracted we'll binge for hours catching up on DVRd series - Road Warrior 22:02:12 02/11/13 (1)
- Same here... - Victor Khomenko 06:04:30 02/12/13 (0)
- Eclipsing social media is a good thing.....missing bedtime and work..... - mr grits 17:05:45 02/11/13 (1)
- 21? nt - tinear 07:46:06 02/12/13 (0)
- Victor, my mentor.... now, gone over to the dark side. - tinear 14:36:27 02/11/13 (1)
- Yep... no time for shooting... - Victor Khomenko 06:07:03 02/12/13 (0)