Generally speaking, I don't like Western films about life in Russia. Usually you get some superficial fluff not worth your time, so I stay away from them.
I hesitated several times before clicking the Play button on "Happy People: A Year in the Taiga"
This is the story of Russian trappers living in an extremely isolated remote village in the heart of Siberia, told and narrated by Werner Herzog.
I am glad I went through the first twenty minutes without turning it off, as it began to pull me in, as the simple story progressed.
So now I almost feel like going back to seeing it again.
I strongly recommend it as a welcome diversion from your typical TV fare... it is just poetic enough to make a great family evening, without being sappy.
Wonderful sub-story on dogs, in particular.
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Topic - The sense of life we rarely see - Victor Khomenko 07:24:27 10/04/13 (3)
- Dogs - manerac 08:42:33 10/04/13 (1)
- I dunno... - Victor Khomenko 09:11:40 10/04/13 (0)
- Agree, well worth a watch... - SF tech 08:26:15 10/04/13 (0)