A whale of a movie, if you go - sit in the far back, otherwise the constant close shots will wear you down. Happened to us.
Clearly riding on the coat tails of the great La Dolce Vita, the film provides an interesting mix of psychology, nostalgia and just plain Old Fartism (the main character looks much like Patrick... :) ), it is not for some young and dumb, it is strictly for the wises ones among us... and we know who they are! If you feel you belong into that group, and your prostate still allow you such long sitting sessions, you might find it interesting... at least stimulating.
No... Paolo Sorrentino is no Fellini... but who is? However - we have here a serious piece of European movie making.
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Topic - The Great Beauty, anyone? - Victor Khomenko 15:02:10 12/01/13 (3)
- Toni Servillo... - afilado 12:45:48 12/02/13 (0)
- Allow me to present the preview . . . - Billy Wonka 16:48:09 12/01/13 (1)
- You know... - Victor Khomenko 06:27:00 12/02/13 (0)