In Reply to: Thanks, now I won't forget it for another year…. :-) And, have you ever posted by tinear on June 6, 2014 at 16:00:28:
It is very good, but kind of what you expect from a good Russian director - the war theme is one of the most important in the Soviet cinema, and they made many good films, usually with no artificiality so common in the Western war films... I guess if you keep doing something then you are bound to eventually become good at it. :) Even their propaganda-laden ones often speak the truth... with some exceptions.
They also made quite a few lighthearted war comedies, but I doubt these would show well here, they are too deeply rooted in the popular culture of that period - mainly their stars.
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Follow Ups
- Yes, I saw it - Victor Khomenko 18:45:54 06/06/14 (2)
- A few years ago, you mentioned to me a whole bunch of excellent Russian films, but the problem was they didn't - tinear 06:57:58 06/07/14 (1)
- That is likely true of any foreign country - Victor Khomenko 13:29:04 06/07/14 (0)