In Reply to: Well put and true. I'll have to think of the list, omitting of course the easy stuff like Fassbinder and posted by tinear on August 14, 2014 at 21:16:12:
I remember it quite well, and watching it is painful for me, as it is very close to real life - the people, the apartments, the roads, the town, the teenage prostitutes on highways. At the same time, it all looks and feels so alien... sort of like one huge Stalker's Zona.
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Follow Ups
- You got me to watch My Joy again - Victor Khomenko 05:14:14 08/15/14 (7)
- Siberia, Monamour - Victor Khomenko 05:42:02 08/15/14 (6)
- " here under Giulio Romano's fresco representing Jupiter's erected penis she meets Leon." - Victor Khomenko 06:16:28 08/15/14 (5)
- What the hell, I'll look for it… nt - tinear 12:30:46 08/15/14 (4)
- It exists on youtube, but no subs. - Victor Khomenko 12:40:57 08/15/14 (3)
- The wife speaks some Russian; our neighbor is Armenian. Between them, I can get some help! nt - tinear 08:24:22 08/16/14 (1)
- Let me know - it is worth some troubles. nt - Victor Khomenko 12:57:23 08/16/14 (0)
- It is crazy good, - Victor Khomenko 14:36:04 08/15/14 (0)