The film starts on high, although somewhat irritating note. They tickle you with letting you witness the rich peoples' game... from whence they proceed to set the hook - a bit of a mystery, with an obligatory young beauty. She picks up where Sharon Stone left... if you get my tilt.But soon enough all that fizzles, and you simply watch to the end so you can tell you watched it till the end and lived.
Bottom line - maybe three stars out of five, for the time when you have two hours to kill gently, with not much drama, and some scenic beauty.
Edits: 10/26/14
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Topic - The Best Offer - another bit of pretentious euro-kaka - Victor Khomenko 07:54:13 10/26/14 (5)
- If kaka gets three stars… what gets one? nt - tinear 16:09:21 10/26/14 (2)
- I am glad I got you old farts thinking - Victor Khomenko 17:08:13 10/26/14 (1)
- I've never seen a square root. You russkies eat lots of root veggies, have you? nt - tinear 13:49:26 10/27/14 (0)
- pretentious euro-kaka- 3* out of 5*? - oldmkvi 09:12:20 10/26/14 (1)
- 0-1 is for USA film. * - Billy Wonka 14:24:16 10/26/14 (0)