Films/DVD Asylum

'Populaire': Love and speed typing . . .

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Only the French could conceive such a romantic dramedy. Roman Duris and D�borah Fran�ois play an unlikely pair that bloom under the need for Duris' need for competitive acheivement and Francois' need to be a "modern" woman a'la 1958.

Francois leaves her small village to find life as a secretary in Paris. Duris manages his family's small insurance business and, while in search of a new secretary, becomes attracted to Francois' ability to burn up a typewriter two-finger style. Suddenly it hits him that his former competitive prowess could be reinvigorated by coaching Francois into becoming France's champion typist.

Yes, it sounds incredible especially since this is a long movie that encompasses all the romantic cliches as well as the world of high stakes typing. The film climaxes with the world championship in NYC where the US's mechanical wonder has won three years in a row. Will she win it, will she win Duris? How do cliches come about?

This film should be a morbid curiosity for Americans. The time and effort spent on a film entwining such implausible story lines could probably have been made better with nudity.

Be sure and get loaded before hitting start on the player. You are going to need it.

Favorite line: "America for business, France for love."

NF Stream

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