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We have no TV service or reception here in NZ.....

.... as we previously found TV completely a waste of valuable life. Of course we could buy it, but we refuse.


A very dear friend here in NZ insisted we check out "Breaking Bad" and provided us with all five seasons. We got addicted immediately and blew through them, wanting more when it ended. Very entertaining. Apparently, "Better Call Saul" is a spin-off, and others already have posted on that, but we'll wait until it runs its course before taking the plunge (if I am still alive by then, that is.)

Michael Percy is a dear friend of ours, and he then sent us DVD sets of some Danish TV shows, "The Killing" and "Borgen". Again, very addictive stuff.

No doubt about it, TV is getting much better, especially with all the cable networks bringing life to what I concluded decades ago was a useless, boring medium. Still would never subscribe or bother, unless complete seasons are in the offing. Much more fun to really blow through them, one after another. But those who completely dismiss the medium in today's world are probably not doing themselves a favor, as I humbly learned.

You'll likely enjoy the series immensely, mkuller. Have fun. We sure did! :-)

(And a new X-Files series sounds like it could be promising, too, what with the SOTA CG that will afford a level of realism previously unrealized in the previous iteration.)

BTW, as a historic aside, I was the original attorney handling the X-Files death case, where a very sweet and wonderful man lost his life in that terrible electrical accident where all those hard-working Grips got fried when an overhead HV power line was not de-energized properly and all the firemen and police stood by while these hapless workers built a "scaffolding of death" right before their collectively stunned (and IMHO, horribly negligent) eyes. Truly tragic!

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  • We have no TV service or reception here in NZ..... - Winston Smith 22:11:30 03/25/15 (0)


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