You can hate old man Woody all you want, but he knows how to make great films.
Irrational Man is not really a masterpiece, but it is incredibly enjoyable, in the typical Allen tradition. It's greatest sin is the immediate and inescapable shadow of Crimes and Misdemeanors, to the point of almost being ridiculous, and there is no question the man is obsessed with that idea, plus, of course, the ever so dear to every American pseudo-intellectual Crime and Punishment, so it somewhat weakens the impact - I can only imagine if this film was made back in 1989... its impact would have been much greater.
As it is, today it is a great film, absolutely worthy the price of admission, popcorn and parking.
A must see... just like all his other films.
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Topic - Irrational Man - Victor Khomenko 13:57:23 08/02/15 (4)
- RE: Irrational Man - fantja 16:42:05 08/12/15 (1)
- Hard to blame you. nt - Victor Khomenko 05:09:03 08/13/15 (0)
- Seemed like a ...(Spoiler!) - oldmkvi 12:03:42 08/05/15 (1)
- Good Woody but not great Woody . . . - Billy Wonka 22:57:11 08/08/15 (0)