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Films/DVD Asylum

RE: John Wick 2...

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Although John Wick Two was a very sequel I still felt John Wick with superior.
One reason is Viggo was a far more interesting character then Santino D'Antonio- who to me never felt like Wick's equal.
And the mute character Aris played by Ruby Rose was a major disappointment. I felt that there was a conflict brewing the entire film and when it finally happened -John Wick just kicked her tiny ass into the middle of next week...-
And maybe it's me - I found the whole Lawrence Fishburne character Bowery King a bit ridiculous, even in the context of a John Wick film. They pose as homeless folks? Part of the charm of the Wick series is the high fashion, the three piece suits, the mysterious currency, the hotel etc etc and elegance of their world.

But again, I liked it- I just didn't think it was perfect...- and the first John Wick is perfect.

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