Films/DVD Asylum

'Professor Marston and the Wonder Woman': Artsy

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This, to me, is one of the best-acted films of the year so far. This is the "real life" story of a liberal professor and his forthright, feminist wife challenging the conventional beginning in the thirties. Marston and his wife were both working on perfecting the lie detector while teaching university. The happenstance of an attractive coed volunteer ensnared them all into a life-long "three-way" relationship that involved sharing children and beds. During this time, Marston's prurient interests drew him to bondage and the creation of Wonder Woman using Bella Heathcote as his model.

Rebecca Hall shined as the over-the-top feminist who railed at her failure to be given a proper degree from Harvard or a professorship. Luke Wilson and Heathcote were also excellent as lovers and parents.

At the end, I advise you to run from the theater before the credits play with the depictions of the real threesome. They in no way bear resemblance to "pretty people". They blow the whole fantasy this. Also, Wonder Woman was under attack in the 40's for being too dominant by inducing bondage and torture on her victims. After his death she was "cleaned up".

Best seen on disc or cable.

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