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RE: Ready Player One

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Maybe my priorities have changed, but I saw this last night with my two boys, and perhaps I think less critically and instead experience the joys of a music through them. They liked it, with the exception of my younger son who covered his eyes at some of the kissing scenes. And then there was the bathroom scene out of The Shining when I was waiting for the punchline that thankfully never came.

I liked the movie, and its references to movies of the past, specifically Back to the Future. The Zemeckis Rubik's Cube which reverses time sixty minutes. Cool.n Basically Willy Wonka on steroids.

I think if you take the movie at face value, don't look for deep messages, aren't looking for the answers to all of life's problems, aren't looking for an experience akin to climbing Mt. Rushmore, and have either an interest in gaming, or the displeasure of two kids who have an interest in gaming, then I think this can be an enjoyable film.

Frankly, I hope I live long enough that I too can be part of the Oasis.

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