Home Video Asylum

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Re: Why is Plasma better???

Good question. It seems you've become aware of some of the technical areas in which Plasmas excel (and hopefully the few were they do not).

But the whole picture quality thing is still quite subjective, and there are lots of display technologies out there, so obviously you should let your eyes decide.

HOWEVER, that said, I can give some subjective comment on the picture quality of plasma vs. other types of screen (I just bought a Panasonic 42" plasma).

A/V magazines tend to evaluate every display device along a common set of technical parameters, and then tell you how the screen "performed" on a technical scale. What the magazines normally fail to convey is how each screen technology looks different from the other. Each produces a different "feel" viewing experience, which is obvious to anyone who strolls through a well-stocked AV store. (Coming from an audiophile perspective, this really annoys me about the Home Theater gear reviews).

Anyhoo...I found that a good plasma offers a wonderful, new viewing experience - one that I'd never encountered before seeing a plasma.
"Organic" is the best way I can describe it. The picture can be so clear, so clean, so naturally smooth, and so vivid and *dense.*

Compared to Plasma: CRT screens look softer and fuzzier to me. RPTVs look soft too, more washed out, less punchy and dense (although they can look nice and cinematic). I also intensely dislike the hot-spot illumination of RPTVs, as it feels like the projector light is being shone into my eyes. As far as Video Projectors, excepting the most insanely expensive set-ups, most strike me as a sub-par version of a "real" film projection experience. Also, cinematic as video projectors can be, they can never offer the incredible "looking through a window at real, solid objects" vibe that I see on good plasmas. I was watching Shrek on Panasonic plasma and it was amazing how tactile the image looked; like I could reach out and touch Shrek's spongy bald head. When the dragon blew fire at the screen in the movie, the fireball approaching me was so vivid and dimensional I swear my skin flushed, as if it were bracing for the fire to wash over me. I've just never really had such amazing viewing experiences with any other technology.

In my case, I'm a movie nut. But it was plasma and only plasma that convinced me to spend my hard earned bucks to upgrade from my (very good) CRT. It boiled down to this: all the other technologies offered to my eye a visual experience that was a below-par substitute for "real film projection." Plasma doesn't necessarily look just like projection, but it offers a viewing experience that in *some ways* even betters what I see in the movie theater. (And this comes from a very dyed-in-the-wool movie theater nut - I have until now always dismissed the home-theater experience).

There ya go. A personal testimonial. Get out there and look at a plasma with your own DVDs. Maybe you should hope you aren't impressed as I was...they are still expensive :-)
Another thing: if you think the plasma (or other display device) looks good in the store, it will likely look even better once you get it home, with a good feed and properly tweaked picture. Stores usually have their screens set-up with crappy split feeds and poorly calibrated screens.

Rich .

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