Home Video Asylum

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36FV15 Random Shutoff

I have had my Sony 36FV15 for about two years and it has worked perfectly since about two days ago when it began shutting itself off for no apparent reason.

Background info:
* Random powers off, then quickly powers back on (screen still black, but can hear clicking relays), and then finally turns off for good.

* Different from normal power offs in that the screen turns different colors (blue and red blothes). Can't remember which direction the color converge into blackness, but I will observe.

* After one of these "episodes" will turn back on normally.

* Functions perfectly, aside from these quirky shut downs.

* Shutdowns occur at random intervals. Can go three or four days with out one; then will have two within a three hour period.

* The system setup has been the same for months.

* TV is plugged into an extension cord which is plugged into a Monster 5000 power conditioner. The Monster power conditioner is plugged into the wall.

* I've pretty much eliminated the Remote.

* The unit is out of warranty, of course.

* The Sony tech was out at the house. He "had no clue" and "never saw such a thing".

* He offered to replace the "main board" but the part is on back order. I'm reluctant to do this (the devil you know is better then the devil you don't) unless I can get some solid infomration otherwise.

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Topic - 36FV15 Random Shutoff - Mike Loiterman 00:48:16 06/10/02 (1)

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