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Home recording trends - VCR's dying

The trend in home recording looks like being digital, but not hard drive as I first expected. It looks as if -

* s-video is nearly dead (no Panasonic machines, still one JVC but I cannot locate any others)

* the flirtation with hard drives is short lived. JVC had a machine which would do s-video + hard drive but it was so unpopular they have withdrawn production of it

* the next step, being pioneered by SONY, - home DVD recording. So, instead of time shifting by tape, we record a DVD.

I'm not sure how to react. Access will be far quicker & easier but it remains to be seen about quality and reliability. Yet on second thoughts it will not have much of a task to better VCRs, even the s-video variety!

Anyone experienced the new recording DVD machines?


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Topic - Home recording trends - VCR's dying - John C. - Aussie 23:22:20 08/14/02 (14)

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