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neal peart

indeed Mr. Neal Peart was by far one of the most developed drummers in history.I am not a drummer but am familiar with variuos levels of professional drummers.I have tslked to many well known muscians who
not only attempt to import his style into their own arsenal ,in theur spare time when not on tour. RUSH was and still is and always will be one of the most unique trios ever loved by many from serious jazzheads to heavy metal maniacs.On the Moving pictures tour i was completely floored by his solo. I watched or listened to an interview a few years back and he seems like he would be good company not jusy to talk drums with but i got that vibration fraom him .
well any thank you and goodnight!1!!!!!!!

oh one other yhing there is a brand new music library on the internet
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Topic - neal peart - douglas 20:27:41 08/30/02 (2)

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