Home Video Asylum

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Plasma Screen TV

Am new to this technology in terms of what to look for or what to critically analyzein regard to those parameters that should be considered before making a decision to purchase. Is there some web site or any other location that would provide information regarding specifications, what is good, bad, etc., reviews for the latest plasma screens.

Also, every time I see a plasma screen displayed, it is NOT showing a TV signal, but something from some other source, DVD, etc. Of course with this type of input, the pictures usually looks great. How do these screens fare when displaying broadcast or cable/satellite programming? Please advise. My current original Proton first generation 31 inch CRT TV set is about on its last leg and I need to replace it soon.

Thanks, Ron

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Topic - Plasma Screen TV - ronroseb 11:30:54 10/22/02 (4)

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