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adding surround to my stereo

Ok so currently I have a highend stereo, what some would call a audiophile highend stereosystem of the more basic nature. I have a Perreaux SM-6 preamp with various amps I play with, dvd player, cd player, record player, tuner, etc. I want to add surround sound, but I want it to be somewhat of an afterthought, to take a backseat to the highend stereo sound and sources. In otherwords its not too crucial that it be the best sounding or setup surround out there. I dont want to degrade the sound of my stereo system in any way, yet I have yet been able to find a surround preamp I can afford that offer equal or close to equal sound. One key reason i dont want to make a jump into highend hometheater and sell what I have is because of future proof. Stereo components dont go out of date, stereo hasnt changed much in a long time, so 30 year old components are still just as good as 2 month old ones. However my experience with theater is that a 5 or 10 year old processor is completely out of date, sometimes even sooner than that. Its like computers with this surround stuff. Anyway, I want it, I want surround added to what I have. So Im wondering what sort of components I can look into for adding surround to my setup. Im basicly just looking for the preamp processing end of things. I have a Pioneer Elite Dv-45A dvd player which has dolby digital, dts, and various other audio surround format decoding built in, so a processor with just a 5.1 input would probably be adequate and allow me to save some money on this venture. I have looked at the Outlaw audio surround preamp as an option, but would do this instead of the current preamp I have, and I think it would be a major step down in quality, so I dont like this idea. I was told by some that I could simply add a surround reciever to what I have and run its front preouts to the tape loop of my preamp, that way using the front speakers and amp I already have. Im not really sure how to hook it up, or how that would work, but it was recomended. The other option I have seen, but I dont think I like too much, is the option of using one of those older surround converter devices that Adcom, Carver, Yamaha, and another that started with a V made. These things had built in amplification, dolby digital decoding on some, but most were only prologic, however I believe that Yamaha and Adcom offered models with 5.1 unputs. It seems to me that having a 5.1 input would atleast prolong the out of dateness of the system. So if anyone can recomend a good way or various ways to hook it up as I want, and also some products too look into, I would appreciate it. If I cant figure anything out I may sell the amp and preamp and just buy some newer used highend preamp and amp, I just dont want to lose all my glorious analogue.

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Topic - adding surround to my stereo - Mpoes 09:48:07 10/28/02 (3)

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