Home Video Asylum

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Cheap sub idea or barking up the wrong woofer?..

I'm assembling a home theater setup, and want to save money. Goal, add subwoofer to flesh out sound, but not to knock socks off. So, here's the demented plan: buy a 'cheap' used or b-stock subwoofer. It's going into a tiny bedroom. Play it a realtively low volume. By only driving the sub to a fraction of it's max-output, will it keep distortion low, thus getting 'adequate' quality? I'm thinking that maybe they do better when not pushed. Am I wrong, right on that point? Or, due to the laws of physics of making bass in rooms smaller than the wavelength, will I still have to crank it up, defeating the idea? Or is the whole idea for the dogs (woof) and should I just shell out for a paradigm-8 or 10 or even an SVS?

SmokeTest: plug it in, see if it smokes.

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Topic - Cheap sub idea or barking up the wrong woofer?.. - SmokeTest 22:12:11 01/24/03 (3)

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