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Need help removing cable hum, please

I've checked the archives for this but haven't been able to find what I'm looking for, so here goes.

I'm getting a "hum" in my cable TV/ISP line that is driving me nuts! I have the cable split twice, once when it comes into the house for upstairs/downstairs, and again when I split it for TV and Internet service. The hum occurs ONLY in my two-channel setup (Sonic Frontiers Line1, two Bryston 4B-ST's in dual-mono, etc) which gets the audio feed from my 35" Sony. I've had the cable company out three seperate times to check their cable and installation, but as soon as they see the tubes on my Line1 they point their fingers at it and say all sorts of nasty and derogatory things about my system! If I unplug the cable at the wall, the hum goes away. I have to unplug my cable to watch a DVD and get the sound through my stereo, and I'm tired of this crap!

With the cable disconnected, all is fine. My Bryston's have "ground lifts", and there is no hum in either position with cable unplugged. As soon as I plug in the cable with the ground lifts out, "HUMMMMMMM"! (I've even showed this to the cable guys, but my confidence in them is GONE). I'm not real keen on trying those three-into-two cheater plugs on the preamp to lift the ground,so I'd like to try something different.

Oh yeah, I've tried using a Panamax Surge Protector/Line Conditioner with coaxial feed in's & out's with mixed results. The hum was decreased, not eliminated, and the picture quality went to hell.

I've seen two products that allege to reduce/ remove cable hum. Mondial makes a "Magic Box" and a "Magic Splitter" that they claim will reduce hum, and Tributaries makes a "Ground Guard" that breaks the ground loop by using a transformer to isolate the ground. Both are available from Music Direct, and the Ground Guard is available from Audio Advisor.

Has anybody used either of these products, or something similar, and if so, do they work? If they don't do squat, any other suggestions?

Thanks for your time, everyone, and have a Happy New Year!


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Topic - Need help removing cable hum, please - subcoolman 11:18:03 12/31/03 (2)

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