Home Video Asylum

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I didn't say it sucked.

And just so you'll know, the last person that asked me about my recommendation for a rear projection display (after they gave me their three choices) was directed to Mitsubishi. This, despite the fact that Mitsubishi touts Scan Velocity Modulation as a "feature" of their CRT displays instead of the detriment to picture quality that it is.

However, the displays that are generally used with video processors are less limited by the signals that they can be fed. The majority of rear projection displays are set up to accept 480i/p and 1080i. They are incapable of handling the 720p format (or the 1:1 pixel material that video processors can provide) like digital displays. A video processor may help with the image that your display produces, but it can't overcome input restrictions.

I would suggest that you read the two threads that I mentioned to find out what a video processor can do and compare that to what your display is capable of handling.

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  • I didn't say it sucked. - Joe Murphy Jr 21:43:06 06/30/04 (0)

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