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Please explain the moire problem with Toshiba TVs?

I am looking to buy a 36" TV, and like both the Sony KV36V68 and Toshiba CN36Z71, but after reading online reviews I am a bit hesitant about the Toshiba due to the moire problem that is mentioned consistently. What is this problem exactly? Is it a shaking look to the picture? If so, I think that is what I saw on the display model at the store. I got the sense that the Sony was a bit crisper, and didn't have any "shake" to it. However, the salesman told me that the Toshiba reproduces the colors more truthfully than the Sony, and also offers color tempature adjustment which makes the toshiba better. Any comments about color temp. adjustments, and whether it's good to have? Also, is toshiba better at reproducing color than sony v-series?

Thanks for your help,

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Topic - Please explain the moire problem with Toshiba TVs? - Philip 08:21:41 06/05/00 (0)

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