Home Video Asylum

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I may be STOOOOOOOOOPID but....

Richard - So sorry, a thousand pardons:

**Proper setup? An idiot can set up an LCD projector. That's one of the primary reasons why folks buy them.**

I guess I went off the trail and into Idiotsville when I thought this was a forum for folks to express their opinions for the benefit of others. I did not realize that we were free to post our opinions only if they align with yours or else suffer name calling and derision. However, I don't recall ever implying that you would need a PHD to setup an LCD projector....I'll work on my wording so that other's might not read that into my post(s) in the future. Also, I knew there was a reason I bought the projector, not for the picture, but because it was made for idiots like me to setup. Thanks for identifying that for me, it was bugging me for a long time.

**Anyone who makes a statement like that hasn't seen many, if any, CRTs in a dark room. If you knew anything about the workings of LCDs you'd know that your statement is quite impossible.**

I respectfully suggest that perhaps you are confusing 'color saturation' with brilliance. You see, good color saturation need not come from projectile CRT, eyeball burning, headache inducing color levels. Don't know what you look for in a picture, but I look for accuracy in color reproduction. I can't for the life of me recall looking at a richly colored flower in the garden that gave me a 'CRT headache'. Maybe I should use more Miracle grow.....

**None of them meet my personal standards for quality video.**

Finally, I certainly pass no judgement upon your personal standards for quality video. I'm simply speaking to what my eyes see, and the enjoyment I derive thereof. The fact that I run the test dept at major broadcast equipment manufacturer (see e-mail address then look us up on the web) has absolutely nothing to do with my interest in video. The fact that 90% of everything broadcast over air, cable or satellite goes through our equipment in no way qualifyies me to offer my opinion on the setup I have at home, or to speak to the visual results of the intricies of LCD technology. I can only hope you accept my humble apology for being so presumptious.

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  • I may be STOOOOOOOOOPID but.... - ed rex 20:34:29 08/20/01 (1)

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