Home Video Asylum

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Re: Ayre D-1 vs Camelot (DVD players)

Hello -

The original poster asked, "Anyone has any experience with how these 2 compare visually and sonically?"

The author of this followup, John Kotches of Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity, has never used the Ayre. Therefore, he cannot meaningfully address the original poster's question. He has instead made some statements about the Ayre that are partially correct.

The Ayre does, in fact, use a Pioneer transport mechanism as Kotches states. I am unsure as to why he calls this "humble". There are only four major companies (excluding minor companies in China, Korea, and Taiwan) that are capable of producing DVD transports; Sony, Matsushita (Panasonic), Sanyo, and Pioneer.

We chose to use the Pioneer mechanism. Pioneer uses this same basic mechanism in all of their models, from their $200 model (DV-343) to their $6000 model (DV-AX10). It provides excellent performance and is extremely reliable.

Kotches then correctly points out that the MPEG decoder in the Ayre incorporates the "chroma upsampling bug" (as extensively reported on the Secrets to Home Theater and High Fidelity web site). This is also true of the vast majority of all DVD players ever made. He then states, "On a good to great video setup, you'll see the chroma flaw on the Ayre."

However, he forgot to add the qualifier "on certain source material". This "bug" is only visible in scenes with highly saturated colors, especially reds. This situation is most often found in animated features, such as "Toy Story".

We are currently developing a solution for the "chroma upsampling bug" (thanks in large part to the information found on the Secrets to Home Theater and High Fidelity web site). This should be available early next year and will be retrofittable to earlier units, in keeping with our philosophy of providing updates to our equipment. We should have a working prototype of this circuit completed in the next few weeks. I will be extremely interested to see how much actual improvement is realized by correcting this "bug".

To me, one disturbing aspect of Kotches' post is the implication that the performance of a DVD player can be boiled down to its deinterlacing performance and the presence (or absence) of the "chroma upsampling bug". This is emphatically not the case. Please refer to the Ayre web site (www.ayre.com) for additional information on the design features of the Ayre DVD player. These design features produce video (and audio) performance that is unequaled.

As reported in many published magazine reviews world-wide, the Ayre provides visibly superior video performance. I invite anyone interested in high-performance video to visit their local Ayre dealer to find out the differences for themselves. Please contact our factory at 303-442-7300 should you require additional information.

Best regards,
Charles Hansen
Ayre Acoustics, Inc.

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