Home Video Asylum

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High pich scream (16khz) on JVC AV-27F702...HELP!! =)

I recently got the AV-27F702. While I am very happy with the picture, I am very frustrated with a noise generated from the TV. When the TV is turned on, it has a fairly loud 16Khz (I tested it with a tone gen) tone. I find it very piercing and the sound doesn't go away. With time, your ears go numb to it, but because of this, when the TV gets turned off, your ears ring at 16khz. This is a 100+lb TV, I live on the second floor, and I recently tore 2 ligiments in my knee,...so returning the TV to the store for an exchange isn't an easy option in any fashion. Even if I was to return it, if the TV had the same repeat problem...big problems. Your suggestions please. Thanks=)

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Topic - High pich scream (16khz) on JVC AV-27F702...HELP!! =) - Algae 08:55:03 10/30/01 (5)

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