Home Video Asylum

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Extended warranties....

My comments were primarily aimed at BIG dollar items, such as large tube or big screen tv's. My thoughts are that if you can afford the 2000+ that these things typically cost, you can afford the extra insurance. Keep in mind that big screens can get dirty / dusty or need to be re-focused due to moving. Most extended warranties cover doing this in your house.

The warranty on my 55" Mitsubishi Gold consists of 4 years of coverage including in house cleaning, alignment, replacement of remote, blah, blah, blah.... It cost $240 for 4 years. If you don't use your warranty within the 4 year time period, you get a store credit for 75% of the total cost ( $180 rebate in my case). It's a hard deal to beat. The place that i purchased my TV also allows trade-ins with value pro-rated based on how old it is. They were also offering 13 months of 0% financing. Between these customer oriented policies and their "bend over backwards" customer service, you can see why i purchased my TV there. None of the big chains offer anything like this, let alone know the products that they are selling or recommending.

I can understand your point of view though. I have NEVER used any of the extended warranties that i have ever bought. I think twice about them now. I did not take the extended warranty on my DVD player. I figured that by the time it gave out, there would be major updates in technology or i would want to upgrade anyhow. Why pay extra for what will end up being throw-away technology anyhow ??? Sean

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