Home Video Asylum

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DVDs freezing/locking (DVD or Player Quality Issue? What gives?) sorry a bit of a rant! ;)

Has anyone found new DVDs to be faulty? Having "errors" and freezing
quite a bit to the point where watching them is FUSTERATING!!?

WITH my ELTAX DV100 player (multi-region, PAL or NTSC):
I recently purchsed a new music DVD and at about the half way point of the concert it became useless in my Eltax player. Freezing and locking. Even further past the half way point it persisted. BUT, my other DVDs are OK with this player. No such problems. I do experience the occasional minor freeze when changing layers but this one DVD in question was hopeless with the ELTAX.
The ELTAX is very new and works flawlessly with everything else....but this recent DVD was hopeless!


HOWEVER, Then I tried this "questionalbe & faulty" DVD in my IBM THINK PAD PC DVD PLAYER. NO PROBLEMS!?!!?

HEY, Can't DVD manufactures make good mechanisms/SW, etc. to read
and play DVDs with no errors? The PC manufactures seem to have got it right! HMMM? Makes me wonder.

I had a PHILIPS DVD 640 (hacked for multi-region)
It was great for a couple of years of use then it started to perform bad. Ocassional freezing after 1st layer. Also when playing CDs the 1st fraction of a second of every tune was not audible. This player was getting worse but my ELTAX player played the DVDs better. So should this be caused by the player? Or the DVDs?

Are DVDs not consistantly produced these days???? If not, I say they should be!

IMHO. This SHOULD NOT HAPPEN. Should consumers who purchase "lesser" bargain type equipment (ie. like my equip above) be deprived of "reliable" viewing/listening? Lower audio and video quality is acceptable....(due to lower specs)
BUT outright errors and freezing, etc. that prevent RELAIABLE viewing (in my opinion) is BS!!

Lets hear what others say! :)

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Topic - DVDs freezing/locking (DVD or Player Quality Issue? What gives?) sorry a bit of a rant! ;) - ALF 07:08:07 05/03/05 (4)

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