Home Video Asylum

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Re: If you're our shopping for LCD, DLP, Plasma...

> trying some MMGs, later upgrading to MG12 maggies.
Good way to go, both are very nice.

> wouldn't affect them as much as box speakers.
I found the 52" was so large, it in effect, built large boxes where the rear sound of the Maggies were not allowed to breath and open up properly.

> Also did you try moving the MG12s out in front of the plane of the RPTV screen, and did it make a difference?
Yes, but the best positioning for the 12s, (or our old MMGs), was not as far as what was needed to clear the old bulky 52" Toshiba rear projection set.

> was the other "WAF" advantage of the MMGs, they can be moved against the wall when not in use

It's the overall package. She hated the audio only rack. The audio video stand is a mix of glass and wood. Everthing blends togther better in the room and the picture and sound are both wonderful.

side note: the cable card is nice in that it eliminates all the mess and worries of what type of cabling and output to use on an external cable box.

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