Home Video Asylum

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DVD editing

Has anyone noticed that some DVD issues have been re-edited? I don't mean additional scenes which are normally well advertised to entice you to purchase yet another edition, but cuts which are not advertised at all.
I have the Chinese issue of House of Flying Dagger and there are a couple of scenes which differ from the US version. In the final battle scene, just before the two male protangonist meat, the Chinese version has Zhang Ziyi whisper a warning, but that has been completely edited out in the US release. The Chinese version also has a scene where you can see her blood gushing out as she throws the dagger.
I no longer have my laser disc of Casablanca but I also seem to recall the scene where Bogart escorts his previous girl friend out of the bar was a bit longer and actually showed him walking her through a doorway.
All of this is relatively minor stuff, but it makes me wonder what else has been changed in other movies which I am not so familiar with.


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Topic - DVD editing - unclestu52 15:33:20 06/02/05 (3)

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