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little d-tv help, please?

Hi guys and gals,

I usually post & read on the VA and MUG, but I'm having some trouble with my RCA D-TV system. It's about 5 years old now and has worked flawlessly. In the last week or so, it occasionally started "glitching" exactly like a satelight system does before going out from a heavy rain storm. The problem is, no rainstorm. And the "Glitches" are getting more frequent and worse.
Signal strength is a solid 96, but I did see it "drop out" once to zero and then right back. So I guess my question is: is it the LNB or the receiver that's going bad? I'm more inclinded to think LNB, but I thought they usually went "all at once". The receiver dying a slow death, more plausable?

Scott A.

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Topic - little d-tv help, please? - gentlegiantfan 14:33:12 08/04/05 (0)

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