Home Video Asylum

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Help! Rear projection convergence problem

Hello all -

New to this board - usually lurk on DVD-A and Vinyl. Hope someone can offer an insight here that will save me service call $$$.

I have a 46" RCA Scenium rear-projection set (non-DLP, about three-four years old). Over the last couple of days, it has developed a rapid right-to-left jitter, as though the guns are going in and out of alignment. You can see a thin red line at the edges of the picture on and off as it jitters. Cannot fix it through manual or auto convergence. The red and green or blue and yellow crosses go in and out of focus; I can move them, but can't get them to lock into each other. It almost looks like the unit is being shaken. Not related to the sound or subwoofer - I turned off the sound entirely, and it still does it. Shows up on all inputs, whether there's a signal going through them or not (a little box comes on briefly when you switch to tell you what input you're using, and the lettering in it jitters too). I use DVI for the HD cable input, component for the DVD player, and S-Video for the XBox , but, as I noted before, it doesn't matter what's feeding the set.

The manual, as you can guess, is no help. I live near a naval weapons station that occasionally sets tests off underground, resulting in subsonic rumble, but that would presumably be intermittent. This turned up two days ago, and returned today continuously (and my turntable is working just fine - if there were a ground rumble, I think I'd hear it there too). Unplugged the set to reboot it; no change.

Any other RP set owners encounter this? Is there a cure short of scheduling a house call from a repairman - I can't fit it into the back seat of my Jeep :-(?


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Topic - Help! Rear projection convergence problem - radiodaddy 20:57:30 08/29/05 (0)

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