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Re: Panasonic SA-XR70 - pre-outs for L&R ?

you DEFINATELY won't get pre-outs with an SA-XR55. from what i recall talking to the panasonic technician before i placed my order, the SA-XR70's biggest step up is that it has HDMI in and out along with one or two other in/outs, but not preamp level. if you ABSOLUTELY need a surround reciever and pre/outs, i think that marantz is your best bet at $430.

i'd say integrate a panasonic into both systems and run your stereo gear into it instead. if you want a dedicated stereo unit, the panasonic has A/B speakers. you could set your B speakers as stereo only. you might need to turn the surrounds off manually, but there's an off button right on the remote.

the only thing it's lacking for 2 channel stereo is a phono preamp.

for now, i'm using my old onkyo reciever just to power my sub, but i'll probably use it's phono preamp to digitize my vinyl.

the panasonic totally kicks butt in stereo mode. aside from the grain free deep resolution, my 55 images like crazy. the center is much wider and clearly defined than either my NAD or onkyo, and it's capable of extending an image past the speakers which neither of the other 2 ever could. i mostly use it in stereo mode except when watching DVDs or occasionally on video.

i didn't buy mine for sonics... i bought it so i'd be able to get magnepan speakers, but it sounds so natural and detailed that i'm happy with my old speakers now. it even sounds awesome on headphones, super detailed, but not at all harsh except on the crappiest of recordings.

the panasonics offer
L/R mains
L/R "B" speakers
center channel
L/R surround
L/R (or mono) back speakers

that should be flexible enough to deal with H/T and stereo easily unless you need a phono preamp.

hope that helps. if it doesn't just ask panasonic. their techs are very helpful.

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  • Re: Panasonic SA-XR70 - pre-outs for L&R ? - budget minded 03:50:33 11/18/05 (0)

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