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not unless his description is incorrect

When people talk about sync problems, it usually involves the audio coming before the video (ie; words are heard before an actor's lips move). This is the most common problem and that's what your solution corrects (rather expensively, I might add, as there are less expensive delay products): "audio before video" sync. The box delays the audio in a user programmable amount to allow the video to catch up.

However, what he is describing is "video before audio" sync. That's when words are heard after you see an actor's lips move. In order to correct this, you must delay the video -- not the audio -- in order to get things in sync. And unless he has described the problem incorrectly, that's some major $ to do.

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  • not unless his description is incorrect - Joe Murphy Jr 10:36:09 03/03/06 (0)

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