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7.1 Receivers...any really that much better than the others

I bought last years Pioneer Elite 54TX I believe it's model number. I've enjoyed the sound. Got it for $650 as a dealer demo. Now the bug has hit me and am wondering if upgrading will really give me anything truly worthwhile that the Pioneer isn't giving me already. There's that Lexicon Receiver, I like Logic 7 but that things damn pricey. There's Denon AVR 5805 which is more reasonably priced but the guy who sold me the Pioneer who also had a last years Denon said the Pioneer had a more open musical flavor where the Denon was kinda in your face, great on movies but not so good on music. So do I stick with the Pioneer, go for the new Denon, get my dream Lexicon Receiver, or are their other options in a receiver that might be a consideration. I had been using Definitive TEch 100 MKII and 80 MKII speakers for my 7.0 with an ACI Titan taking the bass load. But now I'm probably bringing in semi full range bookshelf monitors that I already know my Pioneer wants to auto calibrate to large. Which concerns me that the Pioneer may not have the power to effectively run. Now before you suggest separates, I have a separate two channel system, and simply am not going to create the amazon rainforest of cabling that would apply to separates. I'm confused enough as is trying to work back in that jungle :)

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Topic - 7.1 Receivers...any really that much better than the others - John B 07:14:10 03/11/06 (5)

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