Home Video Asylum

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LCD vs. Plasma?

I was wondering which would be a better picture?

Other than construction, what would be some of the differences?

I ask these questions because I have a very tight budget of only $2200.00 to spend on a television and want the biggest bang for my buck. I have been looking at the Panasonic and Hitachi plasmas. I have a feeling that everyone will say go with the plasma, however I am not impressed with fast action scenes, sports, normal television channels, and even satellite tv. I feel the only time Plasma tv look great is when there is a DVD for the source. DVD is only 15% of my veiwing. I am reconsidering a different television altogether. I was not impressed with the DLP ether.

Advice please

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Topic - LCD vs. Plasma? - BKSinAZ@yahoo.com 14:36:54 05/10/06 (14)

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