Home Video Asylum

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Re: I have followup questions I would like to add.

I got the 60" last November.
No, upscaled is not the same as true 1080p, but its better than 480i not upscaled.
As for connections, that will depend on your sources. I have the cable coax going straight into the set, and use the set's tuners avoiding the use of a cable box. Note: I only have basic service, so I get comcast's analog channels and local HD channels. I also use an antenna in my attic. My DVD player is hooked up via HDMI, feeding an upscaled 1080i signal to the set. There is no shortage of connections on these TVs.

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  • Re: I have followup questions I would like to add. - Jack G 15:01:41 05/14/06 (0)

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