Home Video Asylum

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Comast Cable to HD TV via DVI-)HDMI Cable, non-HD video doesn't work

I hooked up my Sharp Aquos LCD HD TV to my COMCAST cable box with a DVI to HDMI cable (and a standard audio cable for audio). The audio works fine. The vide works great on the HD stations. THe non-HD stations don't work. I either get a dark screen or a broken image cut in half as if there verical sync is not syncing.

Anyeone know if there a way to get the non-HD stations to work with DVI to HDMI? The TV displayes 480i on inpuy 4 but I get no picture.

Is there some option I have to set on the TV or cable box end to get the non-HD stations work?

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Topic - Comast Cable to HD TV via DVI-)HDMI Cable, non-HD video doesn't work - kvk 12:18:49 05/28/06 (1)

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