Home Video Asylum

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Simple DVD player with resume memory?


For the past few years I've been using a Pioneer player. The picture quality was fine, and it had one feature that I find some newer players don't have: it always remembered where you stopped viewing. No matter if you turned it off and left it off for a few days, the disc you were viewing would always resume at the point where you stopped it.

Of course, the transport went bad; I watch a _lot_ of movies, so it got some hard use. Now I find I can get any number of cheap dvd players with progressive scan and beautiful menus, but I'm having a hard time finding one with this simple resume feature (I don't have a nearby Pioneer dealer anymore, so I haven't been able to find another Pioneer easily).

So: I don't need progressive scan. All I need is decent picture quality with this simple feature: I'd like the disk to always resume from where I stopped it. Oh yeah, it'd be nice if the player were dependable :). And inexpensive.

Thanks in advance.

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Topic - Simple DVD player with resume memory? - Doug A 06:33:51 06/20/06 (2)

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