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New old technology modernization

I am the first one to ever think of this. I always have been a maverick, and a thinker on the cutting edge... You know how the craze is to modernize those old japanese movies with computer anamation and graphics??, Well, Ive got a challenge for Hollywood studios. Lets see a completely Hi-tech movie with modernized old film techniques. That would mean a star who is a great actor, but maybe not a great star, and U huge budget to use modern technology to bring the new technology to originall production film techniques. There are advances in cinematography and set design to make, "King Kong", for example, a totally new and exciting movie. So many computer studios suck off hollywood for their sustenance, and are now so enmeshed with the studios that its pathetic to think a film without computer anamation could ever be produced again.If this could be possible, i could se a whole string of remade movies, like the old jason and the argonauts, and some old space movies and others.

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Topic - New old technology modernization - jerryjg 18:08:47 07/04/06 (2)

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