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Dedicated HT room advice needed...

I am close to have the drywall guys come in to do their thing, but am considering applying a bead of Silicone sealant on all 2 X 4 studs and plates, and allowing to cure BEFORE hanging the drywall. I am speculating that the cured silicone bead will essentially act like a vibration dampening "gasket". Has anybody else done this? I have Googled and newsgrouped this topic with no specific reference to what I am proposing.

My room will be constructed as follows:

1) Staggered 2 X 4 studs on 2 X 6 plates
2) 2 1/2" of CelBar sprayed on inside part of outer walls (inside the void between the 2 X 4's.
3) A silicone bead placed on all 2X4's and plates that will make contact with the first layer of sheathing.
4) Homasote hung to 2 X 4's
5) 5/8" drywall hung to Homasote, perpendicular to the direction of the Homasote layer, to minimize seam overlap.
6) Use silicone to seal all corners.
7) Float floor with Kinetics RIM material.

Any suggestions? Everything is already framed-up and the electrican has done his thing. Size of room will be approximately 16' X 19' X 8.5' (8 feet ceiling with a tray ceiling to 9 feet). Floor is poured concrete and one of the walls is also poured concrete. I also have 4 dedicated 20A lines, wired with 10 AWG cryoed romex in this room.

Thanks in advance for any advice. :-)

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Topic - Dedicated HT room advice needed... - ChrisVH 20:27:31 07/09/06 (8)

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