Home Video Asylum

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SXRD...FINALLY found a decent stand

Picked up a 50" SXRD a few months ago but wasn't happy with
any of the Sony stands (or the pricing of). So, had to do a
make shift deal until I coud find something or afford something
better. While my audio rack is an older BDI and have been
very happy with it, wasn't so happy about the inflated bill
that comes with the TV stands. Just in time, IKEA introduced
a new LACK series TV bench! Some of you may thinking
"oh, ikea" but wait! At 55lbs, this is a really nice piece
of TV furniture. One that looks and fits perfectly with my
50" elephant eared SXRD with the stand being being 58" wide.
MUCH better looking furniture than the pricey Sony stand.
Sits the TV at very nice eye level which is a tad bit lower
than my makeshift was. What a difference a solid, nice looking
stand made and at correct eye level. If you are looking for
a nice looking stand and can afford the $70 (ha), (should
say if a 70 clam stand isn't sub standard for you) do not
discount this one. We have no plans to upgrade to something
else. This one is perfect for our setup, solid and looks great
too. Check out the birch for a nice color light stand. The beech
has a bit too much oddness, but I believe there is also a dark
color if preferred. We went birch and it looks super.
Happy viewing to all of you!


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Topic - SXRD...FINALLY found a decent stand - chacodude 07:28:47 07/15/06 (3)

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