Home Video Asylum

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I have the NAD learning remote which came with their L53 receiver. I don't k now whether it's the same remote that you mention.

It works fine but the programming process can be messy. The problem I find with it is that you basically have to choose which device you want to send a command to first, and then press the button for the command. I was forever forgetting which device was last selected and the buttons I pressed often ended up sending a command to a different component than the one I wanted, usually with disastrous results.

I ended up migrating to a Logitech Harmony 880. It works by organising commands by activity so, if you're watching TV, the numerical keypad will control the channel choice, the volume buttons will control the receiver, and other buttons can control TV parameters such as brightness and contrast. You can customise to your heart's content.

Codes are basically loaded from the web, and Logitech's database is reasonable but was deficient for my NAD receiver (it didn't have the commands for the DVD drive that the L53 incorporates) and also for my Loewe LCD TV. On the other hand, modifying the wrong commands by teaching it the correct codes for those commands is simpler in some ways than training the NAD remote. I said that programming the NAD remote could become messy and so can this one at times, but they're 2 different sorts/flavours of 'messy'.

The NAD remote and the Logitech are the only two learning remotes I have tried and I have to say that there is a level at which I find both quite frustrating. On balance, however, I strongly prefer the Logitech and I have it now set up so that it basically works fine for me for the basics of watching TV or playing a DVD. When it becomes necessary to actually change the setup paramaters for a component, I find the best approach is simply to use the remote that came with that component. As a result, I haven't been able to totally dispense with the individual remotes but for something like 95% of the time the Logitech remote works fine for me and causes me less trouble than the NAD remote.

Given the very different organisation strategies of both, plus their different layouts, I suspect that this kind of choice is going to be a very individual one and that any remote you care to name will have its supporters and detracters. Check around with friends and see if you can try before you buy with devices like these.

David Aiken

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  • Re: NAD HTR-2 - David Aiken 13:53:29 07/30/06 (1)

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