Home Video Asylum

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Comcast actually surprised me ...

A month or so ago (for the World Cup) I upgraded to Comcast HD including the much maligned Comcast DVR. Previously I was a Comcast (non HD) + Tivo customer. It has not been an entirely smooth ride (e.g. I get an occasional freeze on the DVR/HD box - perhaps twice a week, but it recovers better than expected and I haven't missed any program I wanted to record yet.)

Tivo's interface and reliability is definitely better than the Comcast DVR, but I like having everything in one box, I love being able to record in HD, and I love the pricing and that I am just renting the box (i.e. if it breaks, just walk in the local store, exchange it).

The thing that I REALLY like is OnDemand - it's almost as good as having Tivo ... almost.

Comcast is not perfect, but it's MUCH better than I expected.


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