Home Video Asylum

TVs, VCRs, DVD players, Home Theater systems and more.

Cablevision HDTV

I just purchased an LCD-TV and a progressive scan DVD player against my better judgement. First I got the DVD player, because I was tired of renting VHS movies exclusively and passing up the newer releases. Then I started reading about the various connections, and how the only way to use the PS feature was with a DVI-HDMI connection. So I figured, what the hell, get an HDTV as well and watch sports the way you see them at local bars. The TV hasn't arrived yet, and already I've read about 6,000 negative reviews of Cablevision's HDTV cable box, which is my only option for receiving the goddamn signal. I never even thought about that before buying everything. If all the regular channels look like shit and the HDTV is "stunning", why bother? What the hell did I get myself into? Does anyone out there subscribe to Cablevision New Jersey? Why is the box so bad? How can the quality of something as expensive and sophisticated as HDTV depend so heavily on a stupid box provided by a cable company that has no interest in picture quality? This is profoundly stupid. I have never, ever heard of anything so stupid in two-channel audio. Thanks for listening.

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Topic - Cablevision HDTV - SalD 23:45:28 08/13/06 (4)

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